¿Has notado que las toallas adquieren un olor muy particular con el tiempo? ¿Y muchas veces este olor no desaparece?. Salir a comprar toallas de nuevo no es la solución. Hoy te voy a enseñar cómo quitar el mal olor de las toallas de una forma muy sencilla y con …
Oven Baked Salmon Easy Recipe
Hello! This delicious oven-baked salmon recipe is very healthy and easy to prepare. Salmon is a fantastic protein source with less saturated fat content than red meats, making it very attractive when it comes to a healthy diet that contributes to weight loss. Pin it! One research study concluded that …
Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin
Pin it! The health benefits of turmeric and curcumin are countless. This native plant from Southeast Asia is known as an aromatic spice and is used to give a touch of color and flavor to some meals. Its phytochemical compounds give this plant important medicinal properties. Since the past, many …
Los Beneficios de la Moringa
La Moringa es una planta nativa del norte de India, la cual también crece en otras regiones tropicales y sub-tropicales como Asia y Africa. Los beneficios de la moringa para la salud son incontables. Esta planta es muy conocida por su alto contenido de antioxidantes, vitaminas y minerales que ayudan …
Vitamin C for Kids: Why it is Important?
Hello! Now that autumn and winter are just around the corner, many have asked me about the importance of Vitamin C for kids. Autumn is one of my favorite seasons, I love colors, pumpkins, hot chocolate, leaves falling from trees, and feeling Christmas is coming up. But it’s not all …
How To Relieve Constipation In Children Naturally
Constipation in Children. One of the concerns my children caused me when they were toddlers, were the days that went by without going to the bathroom. I remember standing in front of the bathroom door, say a prayer, and wait for the miracle to happen. It could be days, even …
12 Amazing Virtual Museums You Can Visit for Free
For a few weeks, I have taken on the task of touring some virtual museums with my children. Since we decided to implement the homeschooling model, visiting these 12 amazing virtual museums have been helpful in supplementing what we learned during the week and thus giving them a dose of …
Museos virtuales para visitar gratis sin salir de casa
Desde hace unas semanas, me he dado a la tarea de recorrer algunos museos virtuales con mis hijos. En vista de que decidimos implementar el modelo de la escuela en casa (homeschooling), visitar estos museos de manera virtual ha sido de gran ayuda para complementar lo aprendido durante la semana …
Salmón al Horno Receta Fácil
¡Hola! Hoy quiero traerles esta deliciosa receta de salmón al horno muy saludable y fácil de preparar. El salmón es una fuente de proteína fantástica con un contenido menor de grasas saturadas que el de las carnes rojas, lo que lo hace muy atractivo a la hora de llevar una …
Oven Roasted Asparagus Recipe
Oven Roasted asparagus is an easy and quick side dish. They are very easy to make and you can serve it with fish, chicken, pork, or beef. Pin it! Asparagus is one of my favorite vegetables and I like to make them frequently when they’re in season. Baked green asparagus …